Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Life in the Day of Corrie Moxon

Or a day in the life, however you want to look at it. Here is the run down of what I do in an average day:

Wake up at 8:00 on a good day or 7:00 on a running day. Read my Bible, ask God for patience and wisdom. Drink some coffee, eat some fresh bread. Good morning world!

Start school at 9:00 sharp. Usually. Joey and I start with math, then all of us do Creole together. We work our way through all of the subjects, and finish sometime between 12:30 and 3:00. Occasionally, we get a little silly.DSCN0267

In the afternoons, we usually just do our own thing. On Mondays and Wednesdays we go swimming with Brittany and Annette at the Tlucek house with a couple kids from the orphanage. DSCN0303

Some afternoons we play soccer or waterball with the Livesays and Vivien and Megan. As you can see by my bruised knees, we play very violently!DSCN0304







After that, there is nothing I would rather do that curl up with some criminal minds. There it is. That is my average day in Haiti. Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘normal day’ in Haiti. I just live in the moment and enjoy everything. Haiti is so beautiful!DSCN0286

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that everything is going well in Haiti, but I miss ya like crazy! I miss our chill time and chinese food and not to mention our chick flicks =)
